Little Yorkie and Cat are Best Friends!

Little Yorkie and Cat are Best Friends!

  This little Yorkie has a cool BFF, a cat named Cameron that she just absolutely adores! In this video, you get to see little yorkie Mousya who is clearly in love with an orange tabby cat named Cameron. They are always together – playing, sleeping, loving...
Tiny Yorkie Plays with Bengal Cat

Tiny Yorkie Plays with Bengal Cat

Want Your Yorkie Featured on Our Site? We love yorkies and we love featuring them on our site! So, if you want your yorkshire terrier to be featured on our gallery, please send us an email with your pictures to: [fts_instagram...

Meet Lucy – The World’s Smallest Working Dog

Lucy is a Therapy Dog who holds the world record for smallest working dog! In the video below, you get introduced to a very special little dog named Lucy.  Lucy is a rescued yorkshire terrier from Cherry Hill, NJ.  Even though she weighs very little, she has a very...
Yorkies Doing Yorkie Things

Yorkies Doing Yorkie Things

A great compilation of yorkies doing yorkie things can be seen in this popular video!   If you have seven minutes to spare and need a little yorkie entertainment then this video is for you!  Check out this compilation of funny, amusing and heartwarming yorkie videos...